Haaroon Yousaf

Computer Science PhD in Blockchain/Cryptocurrency Analytics | (UCL, Cambridge , QM)



I work as a Quant at…..

I also am on the technical committee for the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3). We hold bi-annual camps, retreats and research all the good things in blockchain, cryptocurrencies and cryptography! Do check us out.

Prior to this, I worked in research and development at Pometry, a startup I co-founded in 2021, with my colleague Ben Steer & Alhamza Alnaimi both from Queen Mary and James Alford. Our specialty is distributed temporal graph analytics, since most platforms are either too slow or cannot perform this kind of analysis. Please say hello! They continue to build revolutionary graph analytic tools.


Education wise, I graduated with a Computer Science PhD from the Information Security Group at UCL (University College London). Where I researched Investigating transactions in cryptocurrencies under the supervision of Professor Sarah Meiklejohn and Professor Jens Groth, supported by the EU 2020 project and the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts (IC3).

Even before this: I completed a Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Cambridge under supervision of Dr Richard Clayton. My project was on “Discerning Patterns in the Compromise of Websites”. I completed an undergraduate degree in Computer Science with Industrial Experience at Queen Mary, University of London. With my thesis under the supervision of Dr Paulo Oliva.

For my industrial year I worked as a full time technical analyst at Goldman Sachs where I delivered multiple projects into production.

And even before this: Well, I was studying at school, playing video games, hacking game consoles, wrote a Call of duty zombies map, and above all else, enjoyed a life completely oblivious to the complexities and evilness of the world.

Scientific Publications

Much of my research is done in collaboration with my colleagues Sarah Meiklejohn and George Kappos.

Other research papers done by my colleagues can be found here http://blockchains.cs.ucl.ac.uk/


I’ve given talks at Chainalysis, Elliptic, Interpol, UCL, WorkOnBlockchain, Kings College London, London Blockchain PhD Meetup, The Initiative For CryptoCurrencies & Contracts (IC3), Conferences (USENIX, AFT) and probobaly others I cant remember.



I’ve written and co-written a number of blog posts you may find on the internet, some of which include

Teaching (I don’t anymore)

TA unless otherwise stated

Majority of my supervisions are with my amazing one-of-a-kind colleagues George Kappos and Sarah Meiklejohn.

Events (Not updated now, nice try nsa)

A list of some of the events I've been to in reverse chronological order.


I am interested in a number of security projects. Either I am doing it myself or you can do it and I will help guide you. See this link for more info


Send me an email. Lets have a chat.


Email: h[dot]yousaf[at]ucl[dot]ac[dot]uk

Here is another,me during the rona.

FYI this site also uses Google Analytics. Sorry for privacy and that.

Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, goooose

If you have scrolled this far then you’ve activated my trap card. Be gone to the wildy

trap card